Barry had a wonderful time in London thanks to your donations to Dream-A-Way, we were able to send him on a trip to where apparently the streets are paved with Gold.
We received a lovely letter expressing his thanks to Dream-A-Way and also sent a few pics too.
Dear Jeff,
I’m writing on behalf of Barry to say a massive thank you to yourself and the team at Dream-A-Way for all your support in making possible, through your generous grant, his recent holiday in London.
I’ve attached a few pictures, and as you can see, we managed to cram a lot in to four days, including a Thames Riverboat cruise, a visit to the Tower of London (where we were shown some “behind the scenes” areas not normally open to the public), the Hyde Park Christmas Wonderland, Harrods and The London Eye, amongst others. On the way back to Devon, we were also able to arrange a private viewing of the animals at the Berkshire College of Agriculture, which included Meerkats, and where Barry had his hand nibbled by a young calf!
It was a fantastic break for him and has given him some fantastic experiences and left great memories.
Once again, Jeff, a big thank you to yourself and your team for all your help and generous support.
Kind regards
Andy Tomes, carer
on behalf of Barry Perkins