La Rosetta helps Dream-A-Way to make the impossible, possible

Over thirty guests were treated to a wonderful evening of fine Italian dining at the beautiful La Rosetta restaurant in the heart of Newton Poppleford. It was a wonderful evening of delights from their Italian Restaurant which is just on the main road through Newton Poppelford.  


The food was of a superb standard , as always and very much appreciated by previous guests and new visitors.

 Dream A Way at La Rosetta

Chef’s Chicken Romana is truly memorable and was really popular with our guests


We were all looked after brilliantly by the proprietor , Saul Vicary and his amazing team.  Dream-A-Way are extremely grateful to Saul for his generosity and his great support.


We are delighted that, thanks to Saul and to our generous friends and supporters attending, a staggering sum of almost £500 was raised.


Every penny of this will be used to help very deserving  local families

 Dream A Way at La Rosetta

Dream-A-Way committee member, Mike Rock, who was at the evening said : “Saul is a brilliant supporter of Dream-A-Way and has also signed up to join our Dream-A-Way Skydive on Saturday 6th September”

La Rosetta High Street Newton Poppleford Sidmouth EX10 0DW 01395 568136


We are always looking for new partners to help us raise money to provide grants for holidays and maintain our luxury fleet of caravans at Sandy Bay, Exmouth And Ladram Bay, Budleigh Salterton.


Please don’t forget our Diamonds are Forever Ball in October.

Tickets are selling fast. 

If you wish to donate a Prize or sponsor the event, please contact

 If you or your business would love to help Dream-A-Way in raising money through organising events or joining us in support of our own organised event. Please contact Gill via email


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